Monday, September 16

Day: February 22, 2023

The Business of Data: How a Business Analytics Degree Can Close the Skills Gap in Organizations

The Business of Data: How a Business Analytics Degree Can Close the Skills Gap in Organizations

  Data is everywhere. From consumer behavior and transactions to business operations, marketing, and even city management, data is constantly being generated. Picture a river swelling after days of heavy rain – more and more data keeps flowing in, without stopping. But like a river spilling over its banks, much of this data goes unused, unexamined, and wasted. For businesses, this means missed opportunities and lost revenue. The challenge is not just collecting data but understanding it. As data grows, businesses are struggling to keep up with analyzing and making sense of it. This issue, often described as being “data-rich but information-poor,” is a common struggle for many organizations today. This is where business analysts come into play. These professionals use data...