Sunday, March 9

Three things you should not do when teaching teenage girls.

Encouraging teenagers is difficult. In addition to the fact that you are responsible for educating more developed ideas than at the center and elementary school, young people yearn for autonomy and are often more annoying than other old gatherings. To keep everything under control in the study hall, it may seem like the basic answer to basically giving lockdowns, poor grades, and visits to the dignitary’s office, however those are really inadequate arrangements! Language functions, I clarify what not to do in your teen classroom, along with other viable options.

Try not to give arrests

Surrogate rest time results (such as after lunch, school or weekend lockdown) are not only effective in preventing child abuse, but also increase adolescent disobedience. Can! Truth be told, an exam conducted in England by specialists from the University of Leeds found that things like lockdown and whole-class censorship actually turned substitutes against their instructors a lot more. These methodologies make alternates very compelled to continue, and it turns out that these disciplines have almost no basis in instructional exploration. They are essentially personalized.

All other things being equal, try strategies closer to home to handle inappropriate adolescent behavior in the study hall. One-on-one discussions, conversations with tutors, and verbal warnings will help to get to the bottom of the problem. Also, this will detract from any additional teen pressure your substitute students may be feeling! Falling into trouble is exceptionally unpleasant for young people, and handling problems in a way closer to home will make them feel more considerate and relaxed as substitutes.

Don’t just address the behavior

Your pesky understudies almost certainly keep looking for a specific explanation. Things like lockdown only place what’s happening at the most fundamental level and basically do nothing to understand the main reason why your understudy is engaging in wrong or problematic behavior. They may be making jokes to stand out enough to show they don’t make it home; they may be playing truant as they are afraid of threats; or they probably won’t finish their work in light of the fact that home life is unpleasant. Being an educator means that you are not only responsible for showing your students, but for encouraging them through these troublesome circumstances. You are a coach, not just an educator.

To see if you think your students are experiencing especially troublesome life circumstances that are affecting their assignments, pay exceptional attention to any adjustments in their attitudes and surprising changes in behavior. Your substitutes spend more energy at school than they do at home, and you likely get to know their characters in the same way as their loved ones. In the event that a substitute is particularly peaceful when he is usually in a row, or refuses to turn in an assignment when he is usually quick, it is a sign that there is most likely an additional stressor outside of school.

In case you think this is the situation, it is imperative that you step in and do what you can to help. From now on, you need to have a decent connection with your students, and this is where it really proves useful. Instead of turning down a substitute for relaxing or disturbing the class, call them on your spare time or have them stay a second after class. Try to be honest with them and ask if something is happening. They can be opened. Regardless of whether they don’t, they will value your agreement and interest in your prosperity. Not only will this help end negative behavior, it will also help your students’ confidence!

Try not to be inconsistent

The moment the opportunity comes to teach your substitute students (since, let’s face it, sometimes a lockdown is all together), make sure you have explicit rules and class arrangements to support your choices. Young people must be treated reasonably, and if they believe you are unjustifiably imposing discipline, they will surely continue with much more.

To ensure consistency, I suggest having a study hall contract that illustrates your behavioral assumptions in the class handout, along with the ramifications of the violation. This could address foul language, late work, interrupt everything, inappropriate comments, and individual space. In the event that you have each of these things distributed (and talk about.